“Does your Priest read your blog? Copy your message to your Priest and tell me what they say!”

I've heard this nonsense almost verbatim from the satanist classes from atheists to pedophiles to freemasons et al for seemingly years now.  I post something Catholic and like moths to flame or richard dawkins to a daycare center, people WAIL and GNASH their teeth that I must report to some tyrannical nomenclatura within The Church who will execute me for the crime of being Catholic? What are they trying to say?  Seemingly with unspoken demands that no Priest or above would EVER be caught dead being actually Catholic and that Catholicism is punished severely with death within The Church.  While this is how atheist communities work, they don't seem to know much of anything let along what being Catholic is at all let alone what Catholicism is.  I don't think they realize just how little of The Church they think they can corrupt; no matter how much they think they've infiltrated.