Come Holy Spirit

So I was recently reading the (apparently very old) publication called “The Human Life Review” and came upon a rather mealy-mouthed article by a former “federal prosecutor” about how Pro-Lifers need to “play it safe” these days since the fbi is more tyrannical than ever.  I found this very annoying considering the context, and my reply was the only “peaceful redress” possible.

I have wrote about all this before.  In fact, I don’t think there is a single essay on my site here that isn’t about this. All I would have to add is a VERY amusing comment I read on the topic: stating that if Mark Houck was thought to even be the slightest threat, like owning a bb gun, the fbi would have instead sent in 200 agents all hiding behind an mrap like kids at a haunted house.

What most may not realize though is that “revolution” is actually a Catholic Creation, and is The Natural Expression of The Fourth Natural Right.

What are the Natural Rights?




Lethal Self-Defense against ANY who try to break the 4.

St Bellarmine devoted his life to discussing this.  St Augustine enumerated Just War to describe this, St Thomas Aquinas added onto it and said the killing of a tyrant deserves a parade and not any arrest.

GK Chesterton once mused there is no sin in killing a rich businessman because there are no rich men without ambition and just to get that money they had to do immeasurable evil.

I would Highly Recommend Timothy Gordon’s book “Catholic Republic” for more detail on this topic.

But what of this tripe article?  My reply went as such:

“One day we will have to fight back, that is inevitable, God will not allow you a way out of this without you spilling blood; each and every one.  You will, like every other Man in times of desperation throughout History, be tested by God to see if you will fight.  If you fail you will at best be damned after finding yourself marked as if you were a faceless enemy in a video game.  At worst you will be twisted into a grotesque monstrosity and people will sing songs of your painful dismemberment.

So much for hiding behind “law” or “peace,” there will only be blood.

Even nervous fence-sitters will be Marked by God as someone to reject.  There will be no middle then.  God Will allow nothing left of the old regime, including those like mr mechmann here who clearly have done great evil for the administrative satan state over the years.  Working for an already corrupt Diocese as hatchetman won’t make up for that, even though his strained conscience hopes it will

There is a strange fear in his words here though, but not because of his fear of tyranny (he WAS tyranny made flesh for most of his life) as he has none.  This article shows an axiomatic subordination of God And His Church to the government, which mr mechmann fears is all-powerful.

No his fear is because of you.  People cannot put up with this for much longer and deep-down he wishes more of this would happen so as to quell the tide before it catches him too in its fury.  It’s almost like he fears some kind of Revolt.  A nervous gatekeeping to try to stem what we all know is coming.

Deus Vult.

Of course it probably won’t end up that way, so mr mechmann has absolutely zero to worry about from domesticated protestants calling themselves “Catholic.”

Why it won’t end up that way is because God has even worse planned.  The Revolt required of Man I spoke of earlier won’t happen for a LONG time, at least a few hundred years; We will have a meteoric Golden Age that will have to be winnowed by time into a repeat of what we have today.  No, the revolt that everyone knows is in the air will be performed by God Humself.

Our Lady Of Akita said in 1976 that the world was long worse than before The Deluge (Our Lady Of Fatima said in 1917 that the world was equal in evil to the world at the moment The Deluge happened). His Cup Of Wrath was already full and all the pain of the world over the past 100 years was accidental spillage due to Humans not knowing when to stop outing unworthiness into it.  The Blessed Virgin Mary then said He would soon pour His Cup (slowly filling again since The Deluge) out over the heads of each man, woman, and child until it was totally empty.

Not ironically; that same year of 1976 is the same year that the un established its “2030” initiative, and 2029 has been stated by every satanist, luciferian, and freemason in worldly “power” (no matter how small) since 1976 as the “end of the world” due to “climate.”

Of course anyone in The Church (which is sadly so few of who call themselves Catholic these days) already knows that after The Fourth Seal breaks and leaves the world to be run by the devil for his hour of God’s Day, God Will break The Fifth Seal and erase the world and start over for the second and final time.

St John The Apostle Witnessed that 25% of Humanity would be Martyred from The Most Innocent during this “reign” of the devil, and since there have been 2.5 BILLION “abortions” since 1970 and there are 8 billion people… you can do the math.

The Three Days In darkness, the breaking of The Fifth Seal, is coming in 2029.  As St Charbel saw in 1307 when he Witnessed it Happen, God Will k*ll and then annihilate so many that it will take *years* of panicked searching through bodies piled shoulder-to-shoulder in every inch of street throughout the world before you find another survivor.  Even the demons will be erased from existence and the only evil left in the universe will be Humanity.

After what mankind did during the devil’s century (1917-2017), who can say you deserve different?

Luckily The Fifth Age will not have even one problem we have today, or any other problems.  St John noted we will all be Happy subsistence farmers until we finally the Survivors, then we will have a Golden Age until we regrow as fat, weak, and stupid as we are today.

Something to look forward to.  You literally will not be able to miss it.”

Woe, what Deus is Vulting, you all earned it.

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